Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Contemporary Issues in Work and Occupations: Precarious Employment Essay

Employment is of various forms. An employee can work on temporary terms, permanent terms, under contract terms, or under subcontract terms. In temporary employment terms, there are the temporary employment relationships. Contract and subcontract terms of employment are defined under certain rights and responsibilities that are specified under the labor law to govern the agreement terms of the two parties. In contract or subcontract employment, an individual is engaged to carry out a specified set of tasks with the employer and employee having a relationship whose establishment is based on a written employment contract specifying the employment terms and conditions. A defined length of employment is set including the salary, bonuses, and any other benefits that are likely to accrue to the employee under the contract. In temporary employment, the employment is specified within a given time in the same case of contract and subcontract employment. The worker may hardly work for other businesses until the specified time elapses, but they can work full time or part time. The two cases of employment can be compared and contrasted as well as pointing out how they connect in some way. In contract employment, a contractor is engaged by a business to provide a task within a given duration of time. A decent contractual agreement involves the defined terms of payment, all benefits, any bonuses, and the terms of works, which sometimes may hardly apply especially in precarious employment. In a decent or high rated contract, the specific role to be played by the contract employee is defined clearly, before the contract starts. All contract employees are usually engaged for a specified term but the conditions of work in the case of precarious employment contractual terms are poor and unfavorable in many aspects such as poor salaries, few or no benefits, and poor employee relationships (Irs. gov, 2013). Sometimes the contract could have a provision for a renewal but only under circumstances that are specified under the contract agreement if an agreement applies effectively. In precarious cases of contract employment, contractual agreements may hardly play key roles in ensuring employee freedom. At the same time, the lengths and terms of contract engagements varies from one organization or employer to another but the term is typically associated with tackling a specified task or defined to work for a specified length of time, mostly in terms of years. In terms of the payments, precarious employment contracts receive less payments that they would require given the chance to dictate their compensations. The agreement in a high contract employment specifies the exact amount as well as the manner in which the contract employee would be paid by the employer. This aspect of employee determination on the compensations to be provided hardly applies to precarious employment contract employees. In precarious employment, conditions of employment are poor and could be caused high completion of employment and the unwillingness of organizations to offer permanent employment. Organizations in this case also want to avoid risks associated with taking full responsibility of workers and thus cut on their costs and risks by making use of low paid contract employees. Sometimes provisions are set in the contract employment terms that include cases of having to include salary increments at various milestones, which are usually set forth in the contract agreement for most contractors. The contractor in high-level contract employments is hardly entitled to salary increments or additional benefits, which may not have been included in the contact agreement before the start of the contract activity (McKendrick, 2005). Any increments or additional benefits would require an amendment done on the contract. The amendment of the contract can only take place if the two parties establish consent to do it. In contract employment, breaching the contract would call for a lawful consideration of the contractual agreement. The employer may terminate the contract prematurely but he or she would be required by law to pay the contractor the full amount of money in terms of salary, benefits, and bonuses as specified in the contract agreement terms and conditions (McKendrick, 2005). Sometimes the contract employee may engage in misconduct resulting to termination of the contract by the employer in which case the employer may fail to pay the amount specified in the contract terms and conditions. This case of considering the terms and conditions hardly apply to precarious employment contracts given that most of the contract employees are more careful with the terms and conditions provided by their employer. The high possibility of losing the contract to another individual makes it hard for a contract worker in precarious employment conditions mess up in his or job task. The willingness of a contract worker in precarious employment conditions is hardly driven by the salary but rather the condition of life and lack of option to worker elsewhere. Contract employment can be of two major forms of contractors. A contractor can be either a contact employee or an independent contractor. A contract employee is termed to be an employee of a certain business or an organization (Peck, & Theodore, 2002). Many case of precarious employment contract employ workers who are contact employees. On the other hand, and independent contractor works in free style and engages in providing service for a particular organization or business while working as high leveled contractors. Contract employment involves a direct link with the employer unlike the case of subcontract employment whereby the subcontractor depends on the general contractor for employment. The case of direct link to employers is however hardly prominent in the case of poor working conditions associated with some contract employments. Precarious conditions for contract employment provide limited connection between the workers and top managements. Most of the working conditions are similar to the cases of temporary employment and the relationships in precarious employment contracts are similar to those of temporary working employees (Armstrong, Pat & Kate, 2006). Like in the case of contract employment, subcontract employment involves various types of subcontractors. One of the various types of subcontractors is domestic subcontractor whose obligation is to contract with the general or main contractor in supplying or fixing materials, goods, or executing work thereby forming part of the core contract. The general contractor employs the domestic subcontractors. A nominated subcontractor creates a permit to an architect or supervising officer in serving the final selection right as well as approval of subcontractors. In this case, the main contractor is given permission to make profits from hiring nominated subcontractors, but he or she is required to provide attendance information. In the case of nominated subcontract employment, direct contractual relationship is established between the client and subcontractor of a given task (McKendrick, 2005). A subcontractor ould be a named contractor who contracts with a general contractor in supplying or fixing materials, goods, or could be involved in executing tasks thereby forming a section of the core contract. It is challenging to determine whether an individual offering service to an organization is an employee or a contractor who is very independent. Some contractors are employees and could portray the same characteristics as in the case of temporary employment relationships who work under poor conditions, poor compensations, and unfavorable employer-employee relationships. The similarity in this case may reduce a person who is seen as a contractor to a temporary employee but in some case, precarious employment contracts are seen to be worse than temporary employment relationships (Kalleberg, Barbara, & Hudson, 2000). In the case of an employee under precarious contract employment conditions, the employer is expected to withhold income taxes, provide payments on social security fund, pay Medicare taxes, and provide unemployment taxes on employees’ wages. In the case of independent contractors, the employer can hardly withhold their income taxes or even do payment taxes on to them. Contract employment could sometime be considered as self-employments just like the case of one being the owner of a business or a contractor providing services to another business firm although in precarious employment conditions, contract employees can hardly term themselves as self-employed. In this case, one has own obligations on taxes and other deductions from their incomes (Flippen, & Chenoa A2012). In an organization, determinations of how payments would be treated on offered services have to be initiated from the relationship existing between the organization or employers and the people offering services (Armstrong, Pat & Kate, 2006). Differentiating an independent contractor from a contract employee would call for looking at all information providing evidence on the worker independence and the organization’s degree of controlling the worker. Degree of control or independence of the worker can be established from behavioral aspects, financial aspects, as well as the type of relationship existing between the worker and the organization or employer. In case the company has no control, over whatever the worker is doing, and how he or she does the task, it implies that the type of employment is contract employment whose conditions are hardly attractive to a real contractor or someone willing to work under permanent employment terms. Again, if the worker’s business aspects are hardy controlled by the organization or the payer, including the way the worker would be paid, expense reimbursements, tool, and equipment provision, then the worker is an independent contractor. An independent contractor also seems to have little or no relationship with the organization or employer. The employer has no power over what the contractor does given that any mistakes are taken to be a liability to the contractor (McKendrick, 2005). The employer only waits for the task accom0lishment in order to place his comments or point any disagreements with the contractor. The employer is therefore hardly allowed to take part in making decisions on the way the contractor does his or her job but he or she does in precarious cases of contract employment. The financial control over a worker, the relationship between the worker and the employer or organization, and behavior of the worker are aspects that distinguish between an employee and an independent contractor. It comes out that, in the contract and subcontract employments, workers have control over their way of performing tasks including the payments terms as well as the time duration they can perform a given task or a set of activities. In some cases, an independent contractor may perform a given task within a shorter time than the provided time, but still earn the same amount of salary and benefits as provided by the contractual terms or even more in case there are any amendments to increase the payments and benefits of the contractor (McKendrick, 2005). Contract and subcontract employment terms are different in many aspects from temporary employment and the relationships existing in temporary employment terms. Temporary employment terms provide that, an employee would offer services to an organization within a specified time or duration. The temporary employment relationships are faced with issues such as how the workers in the term of employment should plan for their time and the freedom they should have. The only thing hardly understood in this case is that even some eople having the mind that they are working as contractors are usually under temporary employment terms and relationships (McGovern, Deborah, & Stephen, 2004). The relationship in temporary employment is that face with control from the organization. Contract employees are sometimes categorized in the temporary employment relationships since they have to take orders from their employers as long as they are working within the specified time of the contract. In temporary employment, a worker is required to leave his or her employer within specified time duration. The relationship existing in temporary employment is mainly contractual; it is also referred to as interim or seasonal relationship. The workers are said to be casual, and their efforts could give way to permanent employment. Just like in contract employment, temporary workers are given the option of working on a full-time or part-time basis. The time depends on the employer or organization. The employer or management controls all hours of work or service. Working as a part-time worker may lead to fewer benefits or compensations or having to work for a longer duration depending on the agreement and terms of service. Unlike in the contract and subcontract employment, workers in temporary employment relationships receive benefits such as Medicare and health insurance (Peck & Theodore, 2002). Such benefits are given to permanent employees, occasionally to temporary employees, and hardly to independent contractors and subcontractors. Temporary employment relationship may involve temporary work agencies or temporary staffing in which case workers are retained within a specified length of time after which they are dismissed. Sometimes, temporary work agencies form contractual agreements with organizations and companies requiring temporary workers to provide them with temporary workers. Temporary workers are sometimes considered for cyclical economic situation in which case restructuring workers or employees in a company would be highly required (Kalleberg, Barbara, & Hudson, 2000). Recruiting firms do not supply companies with temporary workers, but temporary work agencies do provide firms with temporary workers when they require them. In establishing the competences of temporary workers during their recruitment, a temporary work agency uses a set of standardized tests to provide judgment on the competence of the workers being recruited. Hiring a temporary worker would depend on the score obtained from the test, an aspect that fully contradicts with the way people are employed in contact employments. In contract employments, individuals earn contracts based on various factors including their competence with respect to their work records, the license they have acquired based on their licensing body, and their bargaining power (Peck, 2002). The best contractor in terms of all the factors considered wins the contract. In temporary employment relationships, the employer requires that the temporary employees be given adequate instructions as per the job structure as well as information on the required attire for the job. The work hours are also specified, including the wages, and the person to whom the temporary employees would report. This aspect is also not specified in the contract and subcontract terms of employment since contractors and subcontractors have control over their work and working hours. Contractors and subcontractors can hardly be assigned an additional task without having to amend the contractual agreement in terms of the salary increments and any additional benefits (Broemmel, 2013). In temporary employment relationships, temporary workers may not have control over their time. They can be required to tackle extra duties without having to adjust any agreements. Any complaints would call for the use of the right channel, but not directly with their employer like in the case of contract and subcontract employment. The worker in a contract employment has a direct communication with the employer or organization’s management. Any complaint may require the amendment of the written contract terms and conditions and may lead to adjustments in the employment terms in the aspect of payments and benefits. Contrary to the way complaints are handled in the contract and subcontract employment, in temporary employment relationships, discrepancies may lead to the termination of the employment terms, decreased pay, or undermine any chances of getting better employment opportunities including permanent employment (Kalleberg, Barbara, & Hudson, 2000). A temporary work agency may require that their temporary employees be provided to some organizations terminate their terms of service if they are working outside the initial agreements between the agency and the organization offering the temporary employment. This factor happens if the employees feel that they are exploited or employees are facing difficulties in the tasks they are assigned to offer their services. In the temporary employment relationships, the temporary employees are required to maintain constant contact with the respective authority in case things had gone astray according to the way their activities were organized. In contrast to contract and subcontract employment, temporary employment is easy to venture into since those with the required technical requirement in the required industry or job field get the job (McGovern, Deborah, & Stephen, 2004). In many cases, the job is provided without a selection process being applied like in the case of contract and subcontract employment. The temporary work agencies also absorb workers without them submitting their resume or going through an interview process. Contract and subcontract employment face many issues given that any misconduct or mistakes, in the task being offered, becomes a liability to the subcontractor, but the liability could turn out to be the organizations loss. Just as in contract employment, temporary employment relationships create room for flexible hour, but the flexibility is limited to the total time in terms of hours worked and the pattern of reporting to work. The respective human resource personnel also watch the time flexibility closely as a way of determining worker productivity and performance; this may give way to permanent employment terms or contract employment (McGovern, Deborah, & Stephen, 2004). The temporary employee is likely to strive hard to get better working conditions or better terms of employment that may only come with accumulation of great wealth of experience. A contractor or subcontractor finds his or her job ultimate as far as working conditions and specialty are concerned.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Music Masters and Rhythm Kings Essay

It is a rare opportunity to witness masters of the old tradition relishing in their element: sweat on their foreheads as beats and strings pulsate the story of a past almost forgotten. It is a gift if one is fortunate enough to see them live, but seeing them and hearing their music on the limited capacity of film is still a treasure, much like watching some of the best keepers of old time Southern music in Peggy Bulger and Melissa Shepard Sykes’ film Music Masters and Rhythm Kings. We review musicians Eddie Kirkland, Neal Pattman, Homer â€Å"Pappy† Sherill and the Hired Hands, and Florencio Baro as they recount the origins of their music and how they have come to imbibe it. Southern music is essentially an amalgam of two musical cultures combined despite a clash of ideals and beliefs, and despite centuries of oppression and dispute. As Charles Joyner, a Southern Culture historian mentions in the film, it is impossible for the Southern peoples not to be influenced by the culture of another race, especially if they are so ingrained in their society. Though these people might argue against these relations, there is no denying the immense influence of African culture in the language, the mannerisms, and especially, the music of the South. History dictates that traditional South American music finds its roots in the harsh working fields. Pappy Sherill phrases this perfectly when he says that these farmers do â€Å"as a way of putting joy to themselves [sic] while they’re working. † At the same time, Southern music also represented the subversive culture of the African slaves. Their music became their way of expression because they knew that the â€Å"white man can have no control†. Bringing their own kind of musical tradition from their homeland, they created a new one that came to represent and signal the changing dynamics of the American South. In the film, we see Pappy Sherill and the Hired Hands, one of the few old-time string bands that play actively in the South. Their music embodies the respite that Southern farmers crave after a day of toiling under the hot sun. It is a fast-paced jig that consists of music from a fiddle, a guitar, a banjo, and a cello, all coming together in an energetic symphony of strings. Pulling it all together is Sherill, who at a very ripe age still remains as one of the best fiddle players in the country. Folklorist Glenn Hinson defines his playing as propelled by advanced technique that harkens back to the days when fiddlers made their instruments cry and sing. Playing professionally since he was thirteen years old, Sherill was a prodigy who created music despite financial setbacks. He only owned a proper wooden fiddle when he managed to save money from a side job, and only after using a tin fiddle for some time. In 1976, Sherill won the award for Best Old-Time Fiddler in the National Fiddlers Championship, opening doors for him to play in many road show and concerts. But, when Pappy sang and played out of joy, Eddie Kirkland and Neal Pattman sang the sonorous, highly emotional tunes of the blues. Eddie Kirkland grew up harvesting cotton, and during the production of the film had once again stepped foot in the cotton fields. Drawing back to memories of those hardships, Eddie remembers doing this grinding, back-breaking work as a child. It was only the â€Å"field hollers, work songs†¦ and spirituals† of the African-American people that pushed them to go on. Arising from this work songs were the Blues, a uniquely Southern music that Kirkland loves so dear. As we can hear from the film, Kirkland’s music is derived from years of toil and work, echoing a time of inequality and hardship. He describes it as â€Å"heart-wrenching Blues. † And so it is, with the soft, poignant, yet irregular riffs of his guitar accompanied by his soulful voice, we feel sadness and desperation. But, he goes beyond this by also singing songs of love following the Blues format. It is a rare opportunity to hear the Blues as it could’ve been played at the beginning of the 19th century, in the backwaters of the rural South. Also reminiscent of Kirkland is Neal Pattman, a maestro of the blues harp, who also rose from the working fields. His music, as any Blues music would be, touches the heart and with his harp he creates an even more wrenching elegy. We follow the flow of his music as it rises and stops, as he accompanies it with his voice. We listen and we are transplanted back into the days of old when the whiteness of the cotton fields is an unwanted sight. Hailing from further South is Cuban musician Florencio Baro. A singer and percussionist, his music remains a pure representation of his African heritage. His songs are sung in his ancestors’ native African language that as a child he has learned to understand and to appreciate. Much like South American music, his music as a combination of two cultures brought together despite odds. Historically, his music arises from the spiritual cult of Santoria, a religion established by African slaves brought to Cuba. What started out as spiritual hymns as a way to once again reconnect with their distant land, is now heard as Afro-Cuban music. It is played with an energetic combination of African percussions and Cuban guitars. In Baro’s hands, the music achieves a life of its own. The beats throb as Baro’s voice sing of the woes of the African slave, weaving itself in and out of the notes, all in a way that is dramatically hypnotic. And entranced the audience were as they glimpse at this fragment of the past that, unfortunately, seldom reaches the majority’s ears. These men represent a bygone era of music that is formed when culture clash and are forced to combine. But, in retrospect, what we are singing of now and what our music is today, all boils down to the undying pursuit of expression that these men have achieved.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Are Video Games Good For Children Children And Young People Essay

Are Video Games Good For Children Children And Young People Essay For that matter, are video games good for adults. Has anyone ever seen the effects of prolonged exposure to video games and the effects it has on someones family or the community? As a father, I have dealt with negative effects of video games first hand. There have been numerous studies and debates on the subject of video games and the effects, whether positive or negative, they have on children. Video games are not good for children because of the negative effects to a child’s behavior and overall health. Violent tendencies Children that play violent orientated video games have displayed violent tendencies toward others. There have been numerous studies and research conducted, on violent video games played by children, which suggest that children â€Å"may become more aggressive after playing† (Harvard Mental Health Letter, 2010) those types of games and the conclusion behind this reasoning, are three traits of the personality, which are â€Å"high neuroticism† , â€Å"disagreeableness†, and â€Å"low levels of conscientiousness† (Harvard Mental Health Letter, 2010). Playing violent orientated video games cause children to act and think aggressively (Harvard Mental Health Letter, 2010). These conditions may cause children to commit violent acts or behavior. Violent Behavior In addition to increased aggression, â€Å"children who play violent video games are associated with increased violent behavior† (Souccar, 2012). Because of this behavior, there have been multiple despicable acts such as the Virginia Tech shootings where a gunman killed over thirty people in 2007(Lee, Finley, 2011). In 1999, another devastating act in Columbine, Colorado, â€Å"two teenage gunmen† entered a school with weapons, killed twelve students and a teacher, before taking their own lives (Belanger, Wagner, 2011). â€Å"Eric Harris and Dylan Kiebold were frequent players† and program contributors to a violent video game called â €Å"Doom† (Lee, Finley, 2011). Children or teens, that do not commit violent acts, may still display pathologic behavior. Pathologic Behavior Children that play video games exhibit pathologic behavior. There are many warning signs of pathologic behavior, such as â€Å"lying about or hiding how much time is spent playing or disobeying parental limits; losing interest in sports and hobbies; choosing the game over time with friends; and continuing to play despite plummeting grades†(Wagner, 2008). This is a very touchy subject in my household. My thirteen year old step-son has exhibited pathologic behavior because of video games. When the neighbor’s kids come to ask him to play outside, he refuses and has continued playing his games. His grades at school have suffered because he does not concentrate on doing his homework and worries more about playing video games. He has told a few lies, thrown tantrums, kicked walls and our washing machine, and is constantly disres pectful to his siblings, my wife and myself. My step-son has also exhibits signs of video game addiction. Video Game Addictions Children with video game addictions, if left untreated, could have disastrous effects as adults. There are millions of people all over the world who love to play video games, either on game systems or online social media, but that love for the video games turns into tragedy for those with video game addictions. According to Lee and Finley (2011), a couple in Korea went to a local establishment to feed their video game addiction, only to return home over five hours later to find their four month old baby girl dead because she was left alone. Also according to Lee and Finley (2011), parents in Reno, Nevada were arrested â€Å"after their obsession with video games caused them to neglect to feed their two young children†.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Divorce Causes in Saudi Arabia Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Divorce Causes in Saudi Arabia - Research Paper Example This increase in divorce cases across the country has led the country to reflect on marriage, as well as the priority of marriage in Saudi culture. It is commonly known that the last solution struggling couples seek is divorce; however in Saudi Arabia the percentage of divorced couples is exceedingly accumulating due to arranged marriages, polygamy and gender inequality. Until quite recently, arranged marriages in Saudi Arabia were a cultural norm whose success was very dependent on sheer luck. There is particularly intense pressure on young women, raised to believe that having children and a husband should be a cherished dream (The New York Times, 2009). In such marriages, the wife and husband have minimal opportunities to become acquainted with one another prior to their marriage, which could result in miscommunication and eventual divorce due to irreconcilable differences identified after the marriage. In Saudi Arabia, the number of arranged marriages disintegrating in the first two to three months after the wedding is increasing significantly, particularly due to emotional and sexual adjustment issues (The New York Times, 2009). In addition, the issue of pre-marital non-disclosure has also contributed to the high rate of divorce in arranged marriages in Saudi Arabia. In this case, fears about the effect of the truth on the outcomes of good alliances means that couples hide the truth from one another prior to their marriage. However, this truth does come out some times and, even if the couple has already been married for a long time or have a strong bond, the non-disclosing partner will be under increased pressure and may undergo indescribable humiliation (The New York Times, 2009). This may result in divorce due to a breakdown in trust. â€Å"Husbands are encouraged to polygamy by male friends who see polygamy as

High-speed Train Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

High-speed Train - Essay Example According to Secretary Ray LaHood, "8 billion dollars has been set aside for high speed rail. What jump starts our opportunity in America is the President's initiative that Congress passed to put $8 billion in the economic recovery" (Secretary Ray LaHood, D.O.T) I believe that the construction and usage of high speed train transportation between these 2 metropolitan areas would effectively reduce pollution and congestion, as it will take many cars off the roads. It is estimated that about 170,000 vehicles travel the I-15 into Las Vegas. Woody Woodrow, who is a resident of Las Vegas and a native of Los Angeles, stated that "if the price was right and the timing was right and it took less than a flight to get here, I would absolutely take it. I think it's a great idea" (Woodward Woody, Las Vegas resident) High speed rail can be said to be a proven technology, as decades of experience on the use of high speed rail in other parts of the world have shown. Thus, high speed rail provides a comfortable and convenient way for Americans to travel from one city to another. These 2 cities should endeavor to avail themselves of this technology in a comprehensive manner, as there has been heavy investment in this mode of mass transit. The population of both cities is expected to continue to rise significantly over the next few decades and although an inability to travel quickly by high speed rail between Los Angeles and Las Vegas might not currently look like a major deficiency, it probably would appear to be so in the next few decades. According to Wilton Woods (1989) "future intercity future intercity passenger mobility will be dependent on fully utilizing all of the available options. However, much of the criticism of high speed rail is based on concerns about its cost-effectiveness in the ne ar to medium term. This is of particular concern since HSR is likely to rely more heavily than other modes (automobile, air, and intercity bus) on general tax revenues as opposed to user fees/taxes, although the user fees/taxes that support those other modes may not cover their so-called externality costs i.e. costs that those modes impose on other people, such as environmental pollution and deaths and injuries due to crashes" (Wilton Woods 1989) Critics of high speed rail travel say that it is not very cost effective, but numerous benefits have been cited in support of the development of high speed rail, including the reduction of pollution and energy usage in the transportation sector, the potential to alleviate airport and highway congestion, improving transportation safety, promoting economic development, the provision of more options for travelers, and increasing the reliability of transport by increasing redundancy in the transportation system. Alleviation of congestion in airports and highways High speed rail has the capability of relieving air traffic and highway congestion in heavily traveled corridors. The use of high speed rail

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Survey finding & conclusion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Survey finding & conclusion - Essay Example Nonetheless, this sporting activity seems not to be popular among university student and the research was carried to determine their attitude towards the sport and how the same could be increased among the same students. The research was carried through interviews. 3.1. The Cause Taken By the Participating Student in the Research Table 1: showing the respondent per QUTCI Course Figure 1: participating students in the study in relation to the course they are taking 3.1.1. Findings From the findings as indicated in the figure 1 above, it is apparent among the 20 students who participated in the study most of them were those who registered for the diploma studies. Statistically, 14 were registered for diploma studies, 5 were registered for the foundation studies, and only one registered for EAP. 3.1.2. Conclusion Students registered for diploma has the more free time to participate in the study than students perusing other courses. Notably, rock climbing has not become a popular sportin g activity among students since the climbing sites are never around schools among other learning institutions. Additionally, of the students usually consider rock climbing as dangerous activity (Hill, 2007). Therefore, other students never wanted to participate since they might have regarded that the entire excise could have been a waste time since they knew less or virtually nothing regarding rock climbing. This statistics indicates that there are needs to promote the sport among the student even those who feel that they are too busy and committed in their studies. 3.2. Participants According to Ethnicity or Country of Origin Figure 2: showing participant per ethnicity or country of origin Table 2: showing the number of participants per country or ethnicity 3.2.1. Findings It apparent from the graph 2 and table 2 above those different students from different ethnicity perceive the different sporting activity. From the table 2 above, only China, Korea, and India showed a significant participation in the research at figure of 4 for student from china and 3 students each for Korea and India. 3.2.2. Conclusion This indicate that different students form different ethnicity or country perceive research activity in different ways. Some of the student perceives research as means of development through understanding the research question through participation. However, some students usually consider research work as a waste of time and they may convert such time into other useful activities (Hill, 2007). Additionally, different nations usually have different perception to different sporting activities. Therefore, some will tend to understand sporting activities through research especially that affect their citizens directly. For instance, student from Brazil are expected to focus match on research involving football as opposed to rock climbing and this indicates why only one student participated in the research (Kidd, Hazelrigs, and Wilderness Education Association (U .S.), 2009). The same reason may apply to other students; moreover, it is worth noting that students from certain countries never value sporting activities and that result above support their poor participation. 3.3. The Participants who have ever participated in Rock Climbing Ever Participated in Rock Climbing YES NO 3 17 Table 3: Showing the number

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Painting 'Death of Elaine' Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Painting 'Death of Elaine' - Essay Example The essay "The Painting 'Death of Elaine' " discovers the painting of Home Watson. Elaine died on a boat with a letter in her hands addressed to the man she loved enough to die for. She remains a true idol of love and the decisions that surround love. Her story inspired the artist Homer Watson to make a painting of her body lying in the boat and holding a goodbye love letter in her hands. Like any other piece of art, the painting tells its story. In interpretation of this piece of art, Thompson’s ideas on the connection of art with history are important. The painting death of Elaine is a unique piece, carrying ideological of history and the social group it belongs to, and expressed in a unique style. Many painting that were done in the ancient times are no more relevant. However, death of Elaine painting, done along time ago, is still a meaningful painting today. In fact, present day painters still borrow much o their work from this painting. Homer did a painting of oil on can vas. The painting carries a heavy message. Thompson argues that every piece of work links closely with the history. Each piece of artwork is unique and carries its message. He starts from explaining what the purpose of art in society is. He describes art as a form of ideological expression that seeks to answer the same question that scientists seek answers for. He explains that although art may not present scientific ideas that need practical approval, it serves to express the consciousness with which man reasons with at different times. Science seeks to provide a direction on how to live life. Art in its own unique way seeks to give the same direction (Thompson 217). Thompson illustrates that art can address two different aspects of social themes. It can address the beliefs, doctrines, or seek to handle propaganda that exists in society. In some cases, people think that some pieces of art lack social reference. Art can carry social ideologies that society does not yet acknowledge. Some forms of art directly address the ideologies that society appreciates. Thompson asserts that the indirect way of addressing ideologies serves better when an individual views art historically. He acknowledges that there are different styles applied in art. There are various forms each of them is predominant during a specific time in history. However, he realizes that societies advance at different rates. Therefore, each of the various forms of art belongs to a certain time in the history of that society. The ideologies expressed in art belong to a certain social group (Thompson 222). Different social groups have different ideologies (Thompson 220). Thompson argues that each form of art must receive an interpretation of the sociological and historical ideologies it carries. Lack of suck kind of interpretation separates the piece of art from the world of the artist. He adds that any form of art must reflect some cultural and economic aspects of its time. From such an analysis, Tho mpson then asserts that any piece of artwork carries its unique message. According to him, generalizations in art or continuation do not exist. Each artist does a unique thing relevant to his or her time. Each piece of art is important. With such an understanding, nobody should discredit any form of art or compare different pieces of work. In addition, there are no aspects of progress in art. Traditional artists did their unique forms of art at that time. Modern artists on the other hand, are doing something different and unique to their time. It is wise to appreciate each of work and

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Problems in the health care delivery system Essay

Problems in the health care delivery system - Essay Example This paper analyses the problems in healthcare delivery systems for mentally ill patients. â€Å"More than 20 million people in the United States live in areas that have a shortage of physicians to meet their basic health care needs. This lack of access to quality health care for many people, particularly those living in rural and urban underserved communities, is a serious health care problem† (AMSA Foundation) Population increase and lack of health care staff are some of the major reasons for the health care problems in America. Medical expenses are increasing everyday and the government policies in health care insurances are not adequate to meet the demands of the patients. Mental health care is one of the critical sectors in healthcare industry and it is perhaps one of the worst affected one as far as problems and exploitations are concerned. â€Å"One-quarter of all Americans met the criteria for having a mental illness within the past year, and fully a quarter of those had a "serious" disorder that significantly disrupted their ability to function day to day , according to the largest and most detailed survey of the nations mental health, published yesterday† (Weiss) Talk therapy is one of the modern and effective treatments for the mentally disordered patients. It does not require any medicine and the therapists use different techniques to know the problems of the patient and to suggest solutions for that. Cognitive therapy (which helps to remove harmful ways of thinking), behavioural therapy (which helps to change the harmful ways of acting), and interpersonal therapy (which helps to learn to relate better with others) are the major areas of talk therapy. (An Overview of Talk Therapy) The major problem in mental health sector is the cost factor. Most of the ordinary mental patients may not approach the talk therapists. The problem with talk therapy was not the effectiveness, but the cost.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Career management in business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Career management in business - Essay Example In the changing demands by businesses in the modern era, career management is a necessity to adapt to the changing environmental demands. The mode in which careers are studied in the organizational context take the form whereby careers are shaped by organizations and they as well shape themselves up through both theoretical and systematic approaches (Denison, 1996). It is often interesting to realize how the day to day work around companies and businesses are based on technology hence the way in which work is conducted around such work places is highly altered. It is also worthwhile to realize how scientists are on the rise in terms of numbers hence the crop of modernization is likely to go up. To cope up with all theses changes at the work place it is advisable to therefore be necessary to keep our knowledge current and skills (Arthur, Inkson & Pringle, 1999). II. The Career Management Practices in use today To mange an employee’s career plan successfully so as to achieve the necessary development some of the following practices may be adopted. First, provide the employees with career planning workshops while conducting constant assessment on them. The managers should be placed under career workshops. Employee career centers can be created within the organizations to encourage employees to constantly go for performance check (Fombrun, Tichy & Devanna, 1984). The management can also give open career briefing to enable the employees have a chance of planning their careers. These can be within a defined timeframe or through the relevant media to ensure that there is no lapse at all. Furthermore, a team of internal network of information providers so that information can always reach the parties concerned of for example the nature of work and their job qualifications. The internal job and talent banks ought to be maintained since it enables employees to frequently peruse through which employees learn about open positions and the skills required from them. O ther practices include: - establishment of individual learning accounts, starting a mentoring program formally as they are effective in ensuring employee retention by quite a big percentage (Ghoshal & Bartlett, 1997). III. Why organizations should implement supportive career management practices There are numerous reasons as to why it is appropriate for organizations to adopt and implement career management practices most so due to the changing work environment and dynamic workforce. Firstly, such practices enable the employees take charge of their careers by in the first instance assessing their abilities, interests and values. Such practices will enable the employees engage in planning process where they dig deep into the organizations needs hence determining the future options for the organizations and how to prepare for them. Secondly, through the career management practices, managers in many business organizations are able to learn how to support and reward employee efforts thr ough becoming familiar with their career assessment and planning process hence practicing vital techniques of career planning. Thirdly, career management practices can create a situation in the organization where services become automated and modernized hence able to incorporate all round feedbacks, competency assessment, confidential counseling, career management and resilience training (Gratton, 2000). Furthermore, career management

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Accounting Principles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Accounting Principles - Essay Example The  American Institute of Certified Public Accountants  (AICPA) has also defined the term accountancy as an art of recording the data, classifying and summarizing the data in financial aspects. Each of the transaction and event, which is, either a least part of a financial character, becomes a part of financial statement for the interpretation thereof. There are more than methods of recording the transaction and each of the entity is allowed to adopt the method, which suits it the best. Expense and income are the two pillars of business. The methods of recording all the expenses and incomes are: The basics of both methods are same and the only difference is of time about the credit and debit of sale or purchase in the books of one’s account. If a business is using the cash method then its income will be counted when it will be receiving the cash or check in actual and expenses are counted when the amount is actually paid. On the other hand, under the more common accrual method of recording the data, entered transactions at the same time when they happen, in spite of when the money received or paid in actual (Morgan). With the accrual method, income is counted when the sale occurs, and expenses are counted when you receive goods or services. In this method, the business does not need to wait till the actual receipt and payment of money happened. Nevertheless, it is difficult to forecast that when the business will get or pay the money and it is also not predictable that when the sale and purchase will occur. Not until you finish a service or deliver all the goods a contract calls for can do, you put the income down in your books (Morgan). It is clear that there is no significant difference between these two methods and they both can produce the same results. If all the sales are paid at the same time the transaction occurred and the payment has been made at the same time of the transaction occurred, means the cash transactions, the

The Taming of the Shrew Essay Example for Free

The Taming of the Shrew Essay William Shakespeare’s play, The Taming of the Shrew, is a controversial play that introduces a battle between a man and woman. The woman, whom is strong-willed, must show submission to her husband. As this play has been read by many people, there has been a wide range of different reactions about the play. Whether people agree with the morals of this play or disagree, it is based upon ones beliefs of what role women play in society. Petruccio, the man who is trying to tame Katherine, tries to â€Å"teach [her] that she must obey him [and he] acts the part of ‘shrew tamer’† (159). Katherine is quite reluctant to Petruccio trying to tame her, and she has the right to the anger she feels toward him. Katherine is a very strong woman who feels the need for independence in her life. Petruccio, however, would like to hold power over her so that he may tame her. Throughout the play the audience is guided along Katherine’s journey of complete submission to Petruccio, whom eventually becomes her husband. The end of the play marks the most important and significant part of the play. Katherine shows her submission to her husband, Petruccio. In Katherine’s speech at the end of the play she admits: â€Å"Such duty as the subject owes the prince, Even such a woman oweth to her husband, And when she is forward, peevish, sullen, sour, And not obedient to his honest will, What is she but a foul contending rebel, And graceless traitor to her loving lord?† (Lines 159-164) This part of her speech signifies that women are supposed to treat their husband as a servant would treat their royal prince. This is putting men in a higher reign of power and acknowledging them as rulers of their women. This is not agreeable by any means because women should have the right to equality in a marriage. In a sermon, titled ‘Of Domesticall Duties: Eight Treatises’ by William Gouge, it is noted that wives are to be â€Å"in subjection to obey [their] own husbands† (1). It is also said that if the â€Å"wives be stubborn, froward, and malapert, their husbands are compelled thereby to abhor and flee form their own houses even as they should have battle with their enemies† (1). This quotation is immoral because when a man and women are married, the man should not be allowed to flee at his own discretion. In those times, however, this unfortunately was permitted. After studying the play further and reading through relatable sermons, it is evident that womanly independence was highly discouraged. A woman having a man in her life, who gives her some direction, is not terrible. The ways that a man holds power over a woman and essentially becomes the boss of her however, is not right. There is a fine line between being a woman’s husband, and being a woman’s boss. A woman should be entitled to her own independence and sovereignty. Looking at the period where this play originated, it is common to discourage women from having equality to men. However, it still doesn’t make their views correct. It is encouraging to see our time period evolve since then, as it is less common to have a man trying to tame his wife. It is heartbreaking to see that some people still live by those same morals in our society. I believe that we as a generation have done a better job of trying to disregard the same views that were held during Shakespearea n times.

Monday, July 22, 2019

British Rule in India to the French One in Algeria Essay Example for Free

British Rule in India to the French One in Algeria Essay Critically Compare the British Rule in India to the French one in Algeria. Throughout the nineteenth century, the rivalling countries of Britain and France were both looking to expand into different continents and build a successful empire. There are many reasons for this thirst for expansion, including economic growth and territorial gains. According to Gildea the emergence of non-European countries such as United States and Japan as great powers fuelled the nationalistic appetite for the extension of borders and influence. The British rule in India; later coined the ‘British Raj’, began in 1858 and although coming under much strain in periods throughout, lasted until 1947 when they were finally given their independence. The French rule in Algeria spanned from 1830 to 1962 following the conclusion of the Algerian War and the signing of the Evian agreements. It is clear when examining both the rules of Great Britain in India and France in Algeria that there were significant differences in the ways the two countries were ran. The French used military might to control the population and quell any uprisings; one instigator of such revolts was Abd al-Kader. These heavy handed tactics seemed to be less successful when compared to how the British reacted to Indian violence. Great Britain decided to grant concessions when faced by fierce opposition limiting the amount turmoil and essentially making it easier to diplomatically push western ideas upon them. France’s colonisation of Algeria was not the first time that they had tried to expand their borders and compete on a world stage with the other world powers, infact before looking to Africa France had the second largest empire in the world, second only to Great Britain. In 1605 France had secured a territory in what is now Nova Scotia in Canada. Throughout the 17th century they had been highly successful in adding much of the North American continent, also the West Indies. However after a string of conflicts such the ‘Seven Years War (1756-1763)’ and the Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815) the other world powers had been successful in annexing these territories from France. The end of what has been labelled the ‘First French Empire’ was now coming to an end. In 1830 during a meeting between the French ambassador and the Algerian Dey regarding loans and trade the Dey struck the French ambassador with a fly whip. This act is said to be the final trigger cause which lead to the French occupation. However it is a wider known fact that there was a distinct lack of political support for the new monarchy and this act of war would help stir up national pride and increase confidence. Whilst appearing on the front of it a petty reason for declaring war on a country and occupying it for 132 years, there are other motives behind the bold political decision to initiate a ‘Second French Empire’. Algeria was seen to be of high strategic significance as it offered a springboard into the rest of Africa, including such nations as Tunisia, Libya and Niger. Gildea agrees with this argument noting â€Å"Algeria, which it [France] occupied in 1830, was the cornerstone of her Mediterranean and African ambitions†. Therefore, by occupying Algeria and furthermore Congo and Niger in 1880 they had secured themselves once more as a successful Empire capable of competing in the world stage. In 1869 the Suez Canal was officially opened for traffic, this narrow strip of water dissecting what is now Saudi Arabia on one side and Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia and Somalia, offered a significantly faster shipping route into the East. It also eradicated the need for trading ships to visit the perilous coastline of Cape Horn in South Africa where piracy was rife. This vital water passage was also utilised by the British in order to transport good to India. The East India Trading Company was founded in 1600 with the purpose of travelling to Asia in search of previously unsourced trading links. They operated under the authority of the British crown and even controlled a military force. They were responsible for directly trying to impose Western beliefs and cultures on India much too soon in the occupation and too forcefully. This lead to a largely hostile reception and in 1857 there was a large scale rebellion. The British had been religiously insensitive towards both the Hindu and Muslim populations. The British had issued new gunpowder cartridges which were believed to be greased using cow or pig fat. This practice would have been unacceptable by both the Hindu and Muslim sepoys, however it wasn’t just the Bengal Army who wished to be rid of the British; the Indian aristocracy had lost vast amounts of power and influence. Officials such as Sir Thomas Munro could see little use in â€Å"a parasitic land owning class† commenting on how preferential methods of governance would be village communities as â€Å"it fitted better with the europeanized and more efficient type of administration that had been built up during the nineteenth century† The British leant many lessons from the 1857 Rebellion, and as subsequently the British Raj was created. This is a far more sympathetic approach t o ruling over India. No longer did the British Government and the East India Trading Company underestimate the need to be culturally aware. This issue of religion and culture provides a distinction between the British methods in the India and the French methods in Algeria. In comparison the French continually used military force to repress uprisings. Abd al-Kader, as previously mentioned was an instigator of such uprisings, however after the French Army swelled in size it became possible for them to employ ‘scorched-earth’ tactics, ferociously supressing the local population, consequently al-Kader was forced to surrender in 1847 . In the late 19th Century France began emigrating large numbers of Europeans into Algeria, â€Å"By 1881 there were 300,000 Europeans (Half of them French) in an area of 2.5 million Arabs.†Another example of France trying to reduce Islamic culture comes from after the Second World War. Charles de Gaulle; the leader of the French provisional government offered to grant French citizenship to certain Algerian Muslims, however in doing so they would essential renounce their faith and religion. In India Britain used a ‘divide and rule’ policy in order to retain peace. Akhtar Sandhu suggests â€Å"the British adopted the policy to maintain harmony and peace. They valued unity and tranquillity in the British India.† These are the act of a â€Å"conqueror who decides to stay and rule†. It is clear that the British way of integrating Western culture within Indian society was more successful than the equivalent process involving the French in Algeria. This can be seen from the fact that within the upper classes of Indian society a new elite was being born. These people had respected professions, such as â€Å"lawyers, doctors, teachers, journalists and businessmen†, they had â€Å"established a Western life-style using the English language and English schools† Outside the upper class Great Britain had introduced Western technology to help improve the livelihood of the population. The introduction of railways and the improvement of irrigation methods had improved both industrial and agricultural efficiency. In Algeria the French also brought about Western civilisation to some extent, creating schools and building cities as well as constructing hospitals, however they spent 162 years with almost constant violence. Their eagerness to us military force to resolve issues lead to resentment from many Algerian nationals. In Conclusion, there were a number of similarities when looking at the resistance of the colonial occupation in both Algeria and India, however what differed is the reactions of the occupying country’s and how they learnt from their mistakes. The British at first tried to force Western ideals against the Hindu and Muslim Indians. However they quickly learnt that countering their revolts with over aggressive military action was counter-intuitive to their cause. Instead they began to offer concessions in order to appease the nationals. The policy of divide and rule ensured there would be minimal friction between the multiplicities of religious beliefs. In contrast the French confronted violent upheaval with similarly vicious tactics such as the policy of ‘scorched-earth’ instead of pacifying the African ideals. However, both the French and British Empires did to differing extents manage to integrate Western technologies such as railways and modern irrigation methods. In addition both occupations were valuable building blocks in which to expand their empires; France into Africa and Great Britain into Asia. Bibliography -Carter., M, From the East India Company to the Suez Canal, (Duke, 2004), pp. 667-668 -French Colonial Empires,, (Accessed 10th January 2012) -Gildea., R, Barricades and Borders: Europe 1800 – 1914, Third Edition (Oxford, 2003) pp. 337 -Gildea., R, Barricade and Borders: Europe 1800-1914, Third Edition, (Oxford, 2003), pp. 338 -Jones., J, Algerian Independence,, (accessed 8th January 2012) -Pritchard., J.S, In search of Empire: the French in the Americas, 1670-1730, (Cambridge, 2004) Sandhu., A.H Reality of ‘Divide and Rule’ in British India, Pakistan Journal of History and Culture, Vol.XXX, No.1, 2009 -Thompson, E and Garratt., E.T, History of British rule in India, Volume 2, (Cambridge,1999), pp. 426 -Tanford., L.S, Countries and their Culture: Algeria,, (accessed 14th January 2012)

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Entropy And The Second Law Of Thermodynamics

Entropy And The Second Law Of Thermodynamics The paper examines, explain clearly, rigorously the term entropy, then discuss and evaluate its meaning in the context of the second law of thermodynamics. Also It will give a historical overview of the term entropy and it will give some examples which are taken from the daily life and with these, I will try to explain clearly the term entropy and its intention not only in the context of the second law and also its results in our daily life. 2. Introduction (Appendices A.) The term entropy has some related definitions. The first definition used by the German physicist Rodolf Julius Clausius in the 1850s and 1860s, he did that to state the second law of thermodynamics. The word entropy has been taken from the Greek word Ï„Ï ÃŽ ¿Ãâ‚¬ÃŽ · which means transformation. Also just as the first law of thermodynamics leads to the definition of energy as a property of a system, so the second law, in the form of Clausius inequality, leads to the definition of a new property of fundamental importance. This property is entropy. In the 1870s the term entropy is given by J. Willard Gibbs. The meaning of what he says is that the entropy shows the uncertainly about the state of a system. The latter can be defining from the probability distribution of its micro-states which demostrates, all molecular details about the system such as the position and the velocity of every molecule. If Pi is the possibility of a micro-state i, then the entropy of the system can be ex pressed by S = -k ÃŽ £ Pi ln Pi Where k is the Boltzmann constant equal to 1.38062 x10^(−23) joule/kelvin. Another definition, is the statistical definition developed by Ludwig Boltzmann in 1870s. This definition, describes the entropy as a measure of the number of possible microscopic configurations of the individual atoms, and molecules of the system; which would give rise to the observed macroscopic state of the system. In statistical thermodynamics, Boltzmanns equation, is a possibility equation relating the Entropy S of an ideal gas to quantity W, which is the number of micro-states corresponding to a given macro-state: S = k log W Where k is Boltzmanns equal to 1.38062 x10^ (−23) joule/kelvin. Boltzmann has proved that the entropy of a given state of thermodynamic al system is connected by a simple relationship to the probability of the state. According to M. Kostic(2004): Entropy is an integral measure of (random) thermal energy redistribution (due to heat transfer or irreversible heat generation) within a system mass and/or space (during system expansion), per absolute temperature level. Entropy is increasing from perfectly-ordered (singular and unique) crystalline structure at zero absolute temperature (zero reference) during reversible heating (entropy transfer) and entropy generation during irreversible energy conversion (lost of work-potential to thermal energy), i.e. energy degradation or random equip-partition within system material structure and space per absolute temperature level. 3. Entropy measures the disorder in a system (Appendices B.) Therefore, metaphorically if a small bookshelf getting disorganized, it will be increasing the entropy of the bookshelf. Because, when the bookshelf is properly organized, finding a book is predictable and easy because all books are in a nice order. As the bookshelf is getting disorganized, the chance of not finding a book increasing, as a result is much higher. So that, when a bookshelf, a room a house are organized and they are moved from being organized to being disorganized, they generate Entropy. Also, liquids have higher entropy than crystals intuitively because their atomic positions are less orderly. Calculating the entropy of mixing illustrates this interpretation. An example is with scrambling eggs because when we mix the yolk and the white we cannot re-separate after. An example from this situation are given in figures 1.1 and 1,2. V V 2V Fig. 1.1 Unmixed atoms. The premixed Fig. 1.2 Mixed atoms. The mixed state: N/2 state: N/2 white atoms on one side, N/2 mixed atoms and N/2 black atoms scattered black atoms on the other. Through the volume, 2V. Fig. 1.1 There are N/2 undistinguished ideal gas white atoms on one side and N/2 undistinguished gas black atoms on the other side. As a result, the entropy of this system: Sunmixed = 2kB log[V N/2/(N/2)] Twice the configurational entropy of N/2 undistinguished atoms in a volume V. We assume that the black and white atoms have the same masses and the same total energy. Now the entropy change when the partition is removed, as a result from the scrambling and the two sets of atoms allowed mixing. Because, the temperatures and pressures from the both sides are equal and when the partition removing does not involve any heat transfer, and the entropy change to the mixing of the white and black atoms. In desegregated state, the entropy has increased to Smixed = 2kB log[(2V )N/2/(N/2)] and it is: ΔSmixing = Smixed − Sunmixed = =2kB log[[V^N/2/(N/2)] / [(2V)^N/2/(N/2)] = =kB log 2N = NkB log 2 So that, it gain kB log 2 in entropy every time we place an atom into one of the boxes. James P. Sethna (2006) Furthermore, we can give another example which shows us that entropy measures the disorder in a system: Which is more disorder? The glass of ice chips or the glass of water? For a glass of water, the number of molecules is astronomical. The ice chips probable look more disorder when we compare to the glass of water which looks uniform. However, according to thermodynamics the ice chips place limits on the number of ways the molecules can be arranged. The water molecules in the glass can be arranged in many more ways; as a result, they have grater multiplicity and therefore greater entropy. 4. Entropy measures our ignorance in a system The most general is to measure our ignorance about a system. The equilibrium state of a system, maximizes the entropy because, we have lost all information about the initial conditions, as a result, the entropy maximizing immediately maximises and our ignorance about the details of the system. 5. Entropy measures the multiplicity of a system The probability of finding a system in a given state depends upon the multiplicity of that state. As a result it is proportional to the number of ways someone can produce that state. Here, it is a pair of dices, and in throwing this pair, that measurable property is the sum of the number of dots which are facing on the top. The multiplicity for two dots showing is just one because there is only one case of the pair that will give that state. For example, the multiplicity for seven dots is six, because there is six cases of the pair that will show a total of seven dots. Probable one way to define the quantity entropy is to do it in terms of the multiplicity. Multiplicity = W Entropy = k lnW Where K is Boltzmanns constant. For a system, of a large number of particles. We can expect that the system at equilibrium will be found in the state of highest multiplicity since the fluctuations from that the state will usually be extremely small to measure. As a result, as a large system approaches equilibrium, its multiplicity therefore, entropy tends obviously to increase. This is one way of stating the Second Law of Thermodynamic. 6. The Second Law of Thermodynamics (Appendices C.) The second law of thermodynamics states that heat flows always from the warmer to colder bodies and never opposite. This is a common experience which everyone has seen and probably every day we have a case of those. For example, whenever we leave a cup of warm coffee it will become cool in 10 minutes. The special point of this process is that by the end of years can never become backward. It has just one direction as time passes. Indeed, through our everyday experience know that when contacting a hot and a cold body will be transferred heat from the hot to the cold body, so the hot body will be a little cooler and the cold body the opposite will be a little bit hotter. However, it is never possible as the time passes and the two bodies are in contact the cold body to be colder and the hot body to be hotter, for example, if we put an ice-cube into our drink, the drink does not boil. Therefore, it is only one direction in the flow heat which if we displaced it with a line, then this li ne will show everything from the past to now and to future. The second law of thermodynamics states that heat cannot be transferred from a colder to a hotter body within a system net changes occurring in other bodies within that system, in any irreversible process, entropy always increases. In nowadays, it is customary to use the term entropy in conjunction with the second law of thermodynamic. Consequently the entropy indicates the unavailable energy of a system, according to the law the entropy of a closed system can never reduce. Another form of the second law thermodynamic says that the minimum amount of heat which exchange a system during a change, which takes place at constant temperature T, associated with a change which is called entropy, with the equation: dQ=

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Database Management Essay -- Technology, Computer Softwares, Data

What is a database management system? Discuss each of the five important software components of a database management system. Data Base Managements System (DBMS) is a computer software program installed on a system hard drive that catalog, retrieve, and run queries on data. It provides ways for data to be altered or removed by users or other programs. There are several different types of database management systems that exist that were created for the proper control of databases for specific purposes. The five software components of a database managements system are DBMS engine, data definition subsystem, data manipulation subsystem, applications generation subsystem, and data administration subsystem (Cummings, 2010). Database management systems engine is the central component of the DBMS it stores and retrieves data it accepts logical request from multiple other subsystems and transform them into its physical equivalent. The DBMS engine collects logical requests for data users and issues physical input/output requests to the computer operating system. The data requested is gathered from physical storage and while the data remains in memory, it is managed by the DBMS engine. Data definition subsystems create and maintain data dictionary. Define structure of the files within the Data Base. Its logical structure must be defined prior to entering information and any time information is entered or deleted the data definition subsystem must be used. Field name, type, form, default value, validation rule, is an entry required, and can there be duplicates are examples of logical properties (Cummings, 2010). Data Manipulation Subsystem is used to add, change and delete information in a database. There is software in the ... ... performance products. Some examples is nanotube which is have been added to the frames of tennis racquets and gulf clubs. Nanotubes are some of the toughest materials known to exist to man. Since these tubes are microscopic, millions can be added to the tennis racquet to make it strong in order to give tennis players more control and power. Medicine is another area in which nanotechnology transforming. With the medical field dealing with things on the smallest level, the small nano devices are being developed to enter the body. An example is Nano robot which is a computer-controlled robotic device used to treat and eradicate diseases. Nanotechnology differ from traditional manufacturing in which traditional manufacture take a large item and break it down to its smallest form, nanotechnology starts at the smallest form and build up (Cummings, 2010).

The Untraditional Life of William Faulkner :: Biography Biographies Essays

The Untraditional Life of William Faulkner The South is tradition, in every aspect of the word: family, profession, and lifestyle. The staple to each tradition in the south, and ultimately masculinity, is to be a southern gentleman. William Faulkner, a man with the most southern of blood running through his veins, was everything but a southern gentleman. A southern gentleman is to support his family, to be the sole provider. To support something such as a family is a great responsibility, and it is expected of a southern gentleman to be able to handle that responsibility. Faulkner did not have a secure job or income. He wrote poetry and attempted novels, but had not found success as a writer. He did not aspire to find a different occupation that could bring stability to his financial situation. Though it was not certain that William could support a family, he did have a child with his wife and supported the daughter from his wife’s first marriage. It was not a happy family, as most southern families have been portrayed. Faulkner drank and continued to internalize himself from the rest of the family, as he had always internalized himself from society. The drinking was not and everyday thing, but his family said that it would happen for long periods at a time. He would drink for a few weeks until he wanted to sober himself up. A southern gentleman is to be the father figure in his family, to teach his children right from wrong, but William seemed to be concerned with only himself. When he drank, he was not there for his family. When his daughter asked him not to start drinking because her birthday was coming up, Faulkner said to her â€Å"no one remembers Shakespeare’s daughter.† Tradition in the southern family did encompass â€Å"tough love†, but a southern gentleman is to be an example to his children, with characteristics embodying responsibility and honor. William Faulkner was neither responsible nor honorable. As WWI began, William, who had always been interested in flying, was eager to volunteer in the Royal Canadian Air Force. To protect and defend one’s country is a duty of a southern gentleman, one of the most masculine aspects of the south. Though he did not see any battle first hand, he came back to Mississippi, walking with a limp caused by a supposed metal plate in his head, and elaborate stories of plane crashes and battle.

Friday, July 19, 2019

John Steinbeck was born to middle-lower class family in the farming Ess

John Steinbeck was born to middle-lower class family in the farming community of Salinas, California. John’s Steinbeck Imagine†¦ your town is suddenly stricken with poverty. Your family business goes under because the economy of your local community can no longer support it. Herds of your closest friends continually move out of the town you grew up in due to a severe shortage of work. The basic necessities of life are so scarce that everyone around you reverts to their animalistic urges to survive. Those who you have came to trust, betray you and your family for selfish reasons. This chaos was typical every day life during the youth of one of America’s greatest writers, John Steinbeck. The environment that engulfed John Stein beck’s early life shaped his literary style to focus on the economic hardships of rural labor and man’s every day struggles with natural urges. John Steinbeck was born to middle-lower class family in the farming community of Salinas, California. John’s father, who was a businessman and politician, experienced great difficulty maintaining a successful business in their small town. John watched his father fail at many endeavors including managing a flour plant and opening a feed and grain store as well as the political corruption his father faced as County Treasurer (Shillinglaw). No matter how much financial adversity John’s family faced, his father always kept a sunny disposition and took the family on frequent trips across California. These small towns and cities John and his family would visit, later served to be the local of his future novels such as: East of Eden and The Red Pony(Fontenrose, 2). John even used his home town of Salinas to serve as the setting for the shor... ...mericans as he did in previous works. In 1960, John published The Winter of Discontent which attacked contemporary American ideals an longed for conservative ideals. This piece, which did not achieve the notoriety that Steinbeck hoped for, would be his last novel before his death in 1968(Shillinglaw). Steinbeck witnessed his home town crumble due to financial strain as a child. He felt the effects of the poor economy as his father bounced from job to job trying to make ends meet. In Steinbeck’s early adulthood he worked odd jobs with the poorest of the poor, staying in touch with the injustices these people faced everyday and witnessing how humans react in times of need. The environment that engulfed John Stein beck’s early life shaped his literary style to focus on the economic hardships of rural labor and man’s every day struggles with natural urges.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Unix and Linux Comparison Matrix

University of Phoenix Material Unix ® and Linux ® Comparison Matrix Directions: Choose three different versions of the UNIX ® or Linux ® operating systems to compare in the following matrix. Insert the three chosen versions and fill out the columns based on the components on the left-hand side of the matrix. |Components |Red Hat Enterprise Linux |SUSE Linux |Debian GNU/Linux | |Role of shell |Uses a Bash command shell. This |Uses a variety of shells but the|Uses the Dash shell. This shell | | |shell uses scripts that make use|most standard is the Bourne |executes faster than Bash and | | |of small utility programs. |Shell. An upgraded shell |contains a need for fewer | | | |commonly used is the GNU |libraries to process these | | | |Bourne-Again Shell (BASH). This |commands and is more reliable as| | | |shell supports features of other|to applying upgrades and | | | |shells and works well with |reboots. | | | |beginners. | | |Three features and roles of each|Enhancement to PCI-e 3. 0 and USB|GNOME desktop function which |APT package management system. | |feature |3. . This allows for |gives the look and feel of SUSE |This package management system | | |manufacturers of system |Linux a better mirage of beauty |promotes high quality release of| | |development to provide new I/O |and functionality. This feature |packages as well as easy | | |devices more quickly. |uses a slab rather than menu |upgrading and automated install | | |SGI UV 1000 provides an |bars. or deletion of packages. | | |increased scalability in x86-64 |YaST Control Center. This |Debian Live is a version that | | |systems which will give |administration program handles a|can be uploaded and booted from | | |customers a performance of 1280 |variety of things such as system| removable media such as USB’s or| | |cores and 8TB memory. setup, hard disk partitioning, |disks. This system also contains| | |A new virtualization will allow |updates, network and firewall |some of the same features as | | |for a better performance by |configuration, and others in an |SUSE Linux. | | |giving the customer a better use|integrated interface. This |NAS support allows for Debian to| | |of hardware. |allows for more power of |support many software programs | | | |manipulation and |with added support as well as | | | |personalization. |easy implementation. | | | |A Build Service. The Build | | | | |Service will give users the | | | | |ability to develop, compile, | | | | |release, and publish their own | | | | |software for distributions | | | | |including that of major use. It | | | | |makes packaging simpler allowing| | | | |for multiple dispersing. | | |Comments on security |This distribution of Linux has a|SUSE Linux also uses a PAM |Security is handled through | | |strong security. The current |security enhancement and |public disclosure making it a | | |security use is PAM or pluggable|requires a long process for |viable product if not updated | | |authentication modules. |login. There are many module |and commonly overseen. There is | | |Authentication is thoroughly |checks required and an |an audit team that continually | | |integrated into the operating |authentication process is |reviews an archive looking for | | |system. The access controls are |required. There is a requisite |possible threats and fixes. | |based on experience of long |feature that will halt process |There are optional security | | |duration among UNIX development |if a failure is found known. |packages available but need | | |communities. Security is well |These are great features yet |purchasing. The extra security | | |oriented in this distribution |time consuming when wanting |does greatly increase security | | |allowing easy modifications |access but all the same safe. A |performanc e but is not what | | |without damaging effects. strong password is still |would be expected by all that | | | |required to prevent any leaks. |rely on it. | |Comments on administration |To administer this distribution |The administrator account is the|This administration form also | | |of Linux the administrator must |root. This account has all |uses a root account. There are | | |have a strong knowledge of many |rights of found goods on Linux |several system management tools | | |utility programs. The |server without restrictions and |available via the web. These | | |administrator must also have a |requires password strength |tools will help the | | |familiarity with per1 and python|because of power of access. Care|administrator to fulfill their | | |scripting language. There is |and consideration should be |needs and accomplishments. The | | |continuous monitoring of the |taken by the administrator as |administrator of a Debian Linux | | |system capacity and large |the environment can be very |system should also have | | |amounts of resources available. susceptible to malicious |knowledge in use of password | | | |scripts, programs, and code. |management and authentication of| | | |Administrator has much power. |programs and software. | |Comments on networking |Red Hat Network is a great form |SUSE Linux has a large |Debian Linux is a very flexible | | |of networking for this |flexibility allowing for |system when networking is | | |distribution of Linux. This |streamlined management filing |concerned. The use of TCP/IP and| | |network ability gives the user |networks as well as support |or proxy servers as well as | | |the ability to fulfill duties |options for data tiering |private addresses is just some | | |remotely. The networking |capabilities and a platform |of the networking possibilities | | |potential with this distribution|client support. Partnering with |when accessing a network for | | |is very well developed. |windows has opened the door to |communication and application | | | |new realms as well. |needs. The networking potential | | | | |of this distribution of Linux is| | | | |similar to all others as they | | | | |are based off of two main forms | | | | |of UNIX. The networking | | | | |abilities have good reviews and | | | |are said to work quickly and | | | | |efficiently. | |Comments on performance |Performance has increased with a|Performance is mixed due to |Many claim that Debian Linux is | | |new version available. The RHEL |individual preference. Many |the best integrated OS | | |v2. 6. 32 has more storage options|claim that the operating system |available. The programs within | | |and a new Linux kernel. There |runs too slow and is frustrating|this OS are individually | | |are more cores and 64TB memory. |when trying to fulfill commands. maintained by individual | | |Support is still a great |The claim that windows runs |programmers. The ability to | | |additive to the Linux system and|faster is a constant. Others say|change and manipulate the | | |will give this distribut ion an A|that it is everything expected |programs are at ones fingertips. | | |in achievement. |and more with increased |The performance is efficient and| | | |functions and durability. |well documented. Support is not | | | | |as strong as some but has enough| | | | |strength to continue to fulfill | | | | |necessities. | |Comments on programmability |The programmability is customer |Programmability of this form of |The programmability of Debian | | |based allowing for customers to |distribution is a very well |Linux systems are at the mercy | | |modify to their needs and confer|organized. SUSE Linux has many |of the user or administrator. | |with partners to increase |options for programming allowing|The availability of libraries | | |performance. The latest software|the user availability to open |and source code are in abundant | | |upgrades will be available to |source as well as the option for|quantities. This allows for | | |customers and a 10 year support |personalized creation and |owners to personalize the OS to | | |package is offered. Customers |development of their own |their needs and likes. This | | |will also be able to have access|software. creates a great function fo r all| | |to a large library of open | |that use Debian Linux. | | |source code as needed decreasing| | | | |costs. | | | |Other |Overall, this distribution of |After research, I would agree |After reading and understanding | | |Linux seems to be a great form |that this form of Linux is well |the uses and abilities of each | | |of OS and system enhancement. rounded and provides an age |of these distributions, I find | | |The advantages and support as |founded version as it is one of |this version to be the best in | | |well as the security make it a |the first. Yet this distribution|all areas but security. This | | |fair choice. |doesn’t match the expectations |distribution tends to appeal to | | | |of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. |many and gives the users that | | | | |currently use it a satisfactory | | | | |grade. |

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Closely Examine the Character of Melanie in Hitchcock’s the Birds

The Birds is a psychological thriller direct by Alfred Hitchcock. It centres around Melanie, a vernal city girl, who journeys into danger into a short coastal town called Bodega Bay to be given a pr good turnical joke on a potential l over, Mitch. A serial of unfortunate Bird onsets follow her and wreck havoc on the town and its inhabitants. As the rent progresses, Melanie tries, on several occasions, to go against the social norm of women of the 1950s all time she does she gets punished and gradually destruct until she becomes the dominant ideology.At the start of the film, Melanie seems strong and individual. From the process she is seen as an individualist. In the rootage photo she is beginning(a) seen walking down a street in a fitted crownwork and pencil skirt, this was seen as too intriguing and was not the usual dress tag for a 1950s wo composition the norm would be a dress with all a swing skirt or a poodle skirt. Along with the fitted clothes, Melanie has a bsolutely prep ar hair and perfectly multicolored fingernails these ar signs of her emotional severalise and lead change through turn up the film.Also in this shot the earshot can hear a wolf whistle from a man directed at Melanie, she turns and smiles, telling the audience that she enjoys male attention and is comfortable and reassured in the city environment. In the side by side(p) scene, Melanie is in a fizzle shop. This is when Mitch is first seen when Melanie first sees Mitch she immediately becomes flirtatious and thinks that she is in encounter of what is happening, when really Mitch is in control as he knows ex flakely who Melanie is part she does not know who he is. afterwards Mitch plays a pr crookical joke on Melanie in the bird shop, Melanie sets out to speak to him again, and when she finds out that he is not staying in his dwelling in the city barely in a small town up the coast, Bodega Bay, she sets out on her own detailed practical joke. This journey wil l steer her out of her comfort zone, the city, and put her in unknown surroundings and ultimately danger. During the drive, Melanie looks actually smug entirely is unaware that she is jaunt into danger.The actions of the two love birds in their detain and the speed of the car are on purpose made to look fake as to lull the audience in to a false sense of security and to cover the danger to come, this ties into the genre of deceit that is seen fetch up-to-end the film. When Melanie reaches Bodega Bay, it is quite obvious that she is out of bunk all the towns citizens are casually dressed which contrasts with Melanies impeccable hair and nails and her fitted clothes. Melanie is treated as trinket by the citizens that she encounters.After she plays her practical joke on Mitch at his house, she races him back to Bodega Bay exclusively he beats her and stands waiting for her. The bodily fluid is very light hearted as both(prenominal) characters are smiling but the irritat ion changes to become very serious as Melanie is struck by a fall guy on the head. This is the first bird bam and the first time, of many, that Mitch is there to obstetrical delivery her from danger. After the attack Melanie is composed once again but her gloves are blood stain and she does not wear them again, symbolising that her first layer of protection is gone.This first attack is the start of Melanies confident and independent exterior being pecked away by the birds. After the attack Melanie goes back to Mitchs and meets his mother, a very demanding and controlling woman. In these few scenes where they are together Melanie is seen with lofty list camera shots, exhibit that she is faint and powerless in their home, whilst Lydia is seen with low angle camera shots, demonstrating her power and dominance over the family and Melanie.In their following(a) encounter their roles in the abode switch Lydia becoming frail and broken whereas Melanie is now dominant and in control . The next significant change in Melanies character and emotional state is during the bird attack on the petrol station. Melanie shows an act of freedom and defiance by taking shelter in a knell Box, away from the security of Mitch and other men, but when she tries to get out again she is attacked by the birds, eventually the glass panels of the Telephone corner shatter, representing her fragility.High angle shows, once again, that Melanie is weak and powerless. The rouge on her fingernails is still intact but her hair is not as groomed as it started out, signifying that her emotional state and in dependency has been damaged again and she has been punished for her act of defiance. For the second time, Mitch has to come and rescue Melanie from the birds, showing that she is becoming more and more honest on the security of men, especially Mitch. During the penult attack by the birds Melanies state of mind changes nce again she has regained her strength and has taken over the ro le of mother of the family. This is shown by low angle camera shots and in her actions. When Mitchs sister, Cathy, gets sick, it is Melanie, not the mother, that takes her to the kitchen. However, these moments of defiance are short lived, for after the birds appear to claim left the house, Melanie hears bird sounds coming from the noggin and climbs the stairs, on her own, to see what it is.She hesitates at the door of the attic, there is a close up of her hand and her nails are still intact, and when she does extend the door, she does so only to find a flock of birds which attack her mercilessly. This, her last act of freedom, ends in disaster and her destruction as an independent woman. For the final time Mitch comes to rescue Melanie from the birds. Melanies destruction is symbolised by her spirit dishevelled and wrapped up in bandages. Mitch then carries Melanie to the car, demonstrating Melanies total dependence on Mitch.Melanies destruction is eventually symbolised by a n extreme close up of her nails, which are completely broken and chipped. The shipway in which Melanie changes over the course of The Birds, her variant of mind could be compared to a yo-yo. At the start she was completely independent and self-importance sufficient, but during different parts of the film she either lost some of her independence or gained some. By the end of the film, Melanie ends up being the polar-opposite of what she started out to be. At the end she was totally dependent on Mitch and had lost all independence. Making her the dominant ideology of a woman of the 1950s.

Global Projects Management Essay

1 (a). Clearly, human beings withdraw been involved in the focus and organization of rangy projects for quite some long succession. This has recently catch a common feature of the modern, worldwideize generation. This has importantly led to the temporality of the origin wholey permanent organizational structures lending them disposable. This has as easily led to the emergence of the myth classs of linkages between people, nationalities and organizations.However, these projects normally encounter problems which greatly extend to time and appeal overruns as headspring the sufficetle in quality. The master(prenominal) question is how the cultural dissimilitudes as easy as the institutional differences affect this put to wrick of global projects and their outcomes.Human beings interact in a social environment which is made of lickal and loose values, norms, rules, codes of conduct, laws and regulations. There atomic number 18 as well as different policies and p olities unneurotic with a variety of organizations. These ar usually termed as culture and institution. The main aim of these is to reduce equivocalness and uncertainty in behaviors of human beings such(prenominal) as decision making and interaction.In large global projects, in that respect atomic number 18 m either factors that affect them in one way or a nonher. These intromit invitee tie in, management related, and project context factors. The cultural and institutional differences ar the basis for all these factors. Therefore, it clearly seen that the cultural and institutional differences fuck off an impact and plain implications on the global projects. This go forth depend on the stead where the split upicular project is found.For instant, in an Information and engineering science patience, a project to come up with a much sophisticated technology can be affected by the presence of poor management whose basis is the cultural differences. b). The Bullwhip Effec t refers to a phenomenon that is observable in forecast-ridden channels employd in distribution. It is also known as Whiplash Effect or Forrester Effect. This is mainly in place since the adopt of the customers is not always stable. Therefore, there is need for a blood line to forecast the demand so that it can absolutely balance its livestock and the another(prenominal) resources. These forecasts be usually base on statistics reason as to wherefore they ar never perfect. For instant, if the demand is high, there provide be a significant join on in coiffes made that testament mean that the trade should increase its inventory. When the demand falls, the participants will increase their places thereof the business will need to reduce their inventory. This can also be caused by the behavioural and operational factors. The behavioral causes imply the misuse of the main stock policies, the misapprehension of the wide-cut feed keister and time delays, the panic order r eactions that ar caused by the demands that ar not met and the perceived adventure of the players main rationality. The operational causes are those that depend on demand influenceing such as the errors due to forecast and the adjustment of the inventory depending on the demand observation. The variation due to ace time, order synchronization, promotion and forward buying as well anticipation of knowledge all form part of the operational causes. The implication of this to the retail constancy is that they should be aware of the demands of their customers so that they do not overstock or under stock. Therefore, this concept enables them to send for the direction of the demand to avoid making losses or not occupying the demands of the customers which will disquiet them. c). Accurate omen is infallible in any industry so that the industry is able to bugger off to gibe the demands of the buyers. For instant, in the run pocket-size industry, the management should timber at the decently time when people are traveling towards a certain direction. For instant, in the morning, most people are headed for jobs in town. Therefore, there should be availability of bounteous vehicles that will transport all the workers to their destinations.However, in the evening, the reverse is true. The workers want to report star sign from work thus these vehicles should also be in plenty to transport them back home. In this way, the travel industry follows the directional descend of the people and then is in a position to meet their demands. At this time, the fare prices go up since people are many hence the demand for transportation is high.During the spend season, people travel from towns to rural areas. At this time, the vehicles pass serve to these people are many and the prices are high as well since the demand for the services is high. At this time, fare from rural areas to town is low since major(ip)ities are going against the current. When the schools open, majorities are traveling back to towns so that they can report to their jobs hence the demand for transport to town at this time is high. This content that the prices must also be raised and more vehicles put in the on road to meet these demand. This is however made possible by forecasting of the demands of the people. d). Inventory control is defined as the regale that diminishs the total greet of inventory. It has three major factors that are taken into consideration. These include the cost of holding the cost, the cost of placing an order and the cost of shortage. Economic Order metre (EOQ) is defined as the model that determines the optimal step to be ordered in order to minimize the total variable be that are necessary to order and hold an inventory.Under this, the assumptions taken are that the annual demands for the result or service are known and are always never-ending. There is no consideration that is taken with regard to the lead time, the pass along of all the orders takes place once the order is made, the total discounts are not worked on as part of the model and the cost of ordering is taken to be perpetual.The Economic yield Quantity (EPQ) is defined as the optimal quantity that is to be produced in order to improve the inventory. It is based on a trade-off between the inventory and the set up of the output signal costs. Here, the trade-off examination assumes that the demand for the items that are in the inventory is continuous and at a aeonian rate, actions that are made to improve the inventory are at regular intervals, the return of products is continuous as well as at a constant rate during a production rerun and the production cost is always fixed.This model is similar to the EOQ model. The difference is in the time that is demand to change the inventory. In the EOQ, replenishment is instantaneous, while the EPQ model assumes gradual replenishment. A collaborative planning system has many features that are distinc t to enhance its success. For instant, the automotive production industry has its objectives that bind it to the performance of its duties in order to meet these goals. This company has intense connection of all production-related functions into an structured computerized production system. This will make the performance successful.A collaborative planning system has a skilled network that will ensure that all the workers are in a position to access the selective information that the need in order to perform their duties. For instant, the automotive industry is set abouting a web based collaborative surrounding that will facilitate the creation and the production together with planning systems.A collaborative planning cognitive operation also requires a collaborative working system, information sharing without discrimination and deputise of ideas among the people in the different locations. In this form of system, each production process is defined in terms of products, proc esses involved, resources used and their general kinship.In the automotive industry therefore, the environment is made of four staffs. These includeDigital mock-up that supports the inviolate product digital mock-up process.Has a process planning module that is essential in the provision of time approximation and the full analysis of working procedures.It also has a layout planning module that is responsible for designing the objurgate layout of the production lines.It has a work place layout which is the major system for workplace design the ergonomic consideration.A collaborative planning system has room for the employees and the entire community to hive contributions to what they want to perform. For instant, they can use questionnaires or interviews in order to get the ghost of the individuals concerning the particular question at hand should be given a chance and the ideals of the people be taken into consideration.This system should also be a multidimensional system that is capable of handling many issues at once. For instant, in the automotive industry, the system should be able to produce more than one attribute of a product at singe time at the selfsame(prenominal) time be in a position to control that other related operations. This is made possible through the use of a sophisticated information technology as well as the maximum use of advanced tools and equipment and skills.3). number production refers to the process of producing goods using less(prenominal) resources as compared to the traditional mass production. That is, there is less waste, less human effort, less manufacturing space, less investments in the tools to be used, fewer inventories and less time required to develop a new product.For many, lean is the entire set of tools that are important in that they assist in the identification as well as the perk up elimination of wastes. These tools also improve the quality of the product that is to be produced at the same time ensures th ere is a significant production time and cost step-down. run for Manufacturing has numerous tools that are important in solving the problem of waste elimination. This is made up of the continuous process improvement as well as mistake-proofing which are an indication that this it taking the same surface to the other improvement methodologies.The second onset to thin Manufacturing focuses upon the improvement of the liquefy of work in the system. The techniques that have been chosen to improve the flow include the roll production and leveling production. This however, is different from the methodologies which greatly accounts for its unpopularity.The distinction between the two approaches is the prime approach that is used to achieve the set goals and regulations. Smooth flow implementation exposes the quality problems that existed before leading to reduction in waste in a natural manner. Therefore, this approach is advantageous since it takes a system-wide emplacement natura lly.On the other hand, the waste focus has its main perspective which is sometimes assumed wrongly. Lean has competing principles that are close connected whose main goals are to reduce the costs of production through the elimination of wastes. These principles include the pull process, waste minimization, perfect first-time quality, continuous improvement, the flexibleness. It also includes the process of building and maintaining a long term relationship with its suppliers, load leveling process and the production flow as well as the visual control.The process of lean implementation is therefore focused on getting the correct things, at the correct time, to the right place, in the preferred quantity in order to achieve a perfect level of work flow while minimizing the waste as well as being flexible and easily changed.The concepts of flexibility and ability to change are basically required to enhance production leveling. However, they have their analogues in other processes. They a re not open ended hence not expensive capability requirements. They therefore have to be understood, appreciated and embraced by the employees involved in the product building process.The cultural and managerial features of Lean are more important than the actual tools or methodologies of the process of production itself. There are numerous examples of Lean tool implementation that do not have known benefit which are very much blamed on the entire understanding of Lean in the organization which is weak.Leans main aim is to make the work simple enough to understand, to do and to manage in the shortest time possible. or so of the basic goals of lean manufacturing are common mind and that avoiding unnecessary costs is more profitable that change magnitude sales. In a manufacturing industry, if the recourses are kept constant and productions costs cut down, then the industry will definitely make very high profits. This will only be possible are the management and the workers involve d do their duties satisfactorily and the management ensures that the entire processes are in time.References.Jalan, K. S. Chaudhuri, (1999). An EOQ Model for Deteriorating Items in a Declining Market with SFI Policy, The Korean J. Comput. & Appl. Math zero(prenominal) 2. 437-450.C. Giri, K. S. Chaudhuri, settled Models of Perishable Inventory with Stock Dependent hold Rate and non-linear Holding Cost, European Journal of operational look 105 (1998), 467-474.Vahidian, H. R. Tareghian, (1999). Production Planning in Fuzzy Environment. The Korean J. Comput. & Appl. Math. No. 2, 315-330.M. Lee, J. S. Yao, Economic Production quantity for logy demand quantity and fuzzy production quantity, European Journal of Operational Research 109 (1998), 203-211De, A. Goswami, A replenishment policy for items with finite production rate and fuzzy deterioration rate, Opsearch 38 (2001), No. 4, 419-430.